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JANE booking system is simple to use and computer friendly. 


Go to to book your appointment now.


How the online process works:

Where you will see an image of me with all the treatments offered. Select a treatment, date and time, and it will prompt you to sign-in to create a sign-in name and password. The online APP will also allow you to sign in with Google, Twitter or Facebook. Once you are in, your massage appointment will be confirmed.


Once you submit your intake form, please check for any missing or incorrect information to step 3. 

The last step Jane will say, "thanks we have received your information." 


NOTE: Please ensure that you have received your confirmation email. This will confirm your booked appointment. If you are unsure, please feel free to contact me at: 780-243-5399 (text) or


NOTE: If you experience any issues with the online system, prefer assistance or see any errors, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Confirmation email will be sent out 36 hours before your appointment.

Confirmation text message will be sent out 4 hours before your appointment (must opt-in for this). 

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